Managed Services

Cloud Agility is a Pay As You Go, monthly billable, rolling support contract that charges an hourly fee for the use of our Subject Matter Experts. It provides several service areas and gives the flexibility to businesses to opt-in to individual ones.

Incident Support

Incident support is our core managed service. It includes problem resolution to restore normal operations to the state before the incident occurred.

Advisory and Support Assistance

AG Technology Solutions will provide access to subject matter experts (SMEs) for non-critical requests. These can range from security assessments to any advisory, administrative or operational assistance.

Configuration Requests

Configuration requests can range from new IT initiatives planning to deployments, small modifications, and a broad range of tasks needed to optimise your cloud investment.

Knowledge Transfer Workshops

This service is focusing on upskilling your internal engineering teams as well as providing road map and strategy sessions.

Billing Flexibility

You only pay for what you need and what you use, with no upfront costs. You will receive monthly billing with a detailed invoice and unlimited non-technical support.

Cloud Consumption Discounts

AG Tech Solutions offer competitive pricing compared to PAYG. Depending on your consumption, we can provide discounts on your monthly billing.

Flexible Managed Services with Cloud Agility™

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Find out how our Managed services can accelerate your journey to the cloud.